Looking for info on the COVID Vaccine for kids 5-11? Children's Hospital Colorado is hosting vaccine clinics that you can schedule for at this link: COVID Vaccine at Children's Hospital Colorado.
    Highlands Ranch Office (303) 471-0221

$PostPage = “http://getContent.pediatricweb.com/webpost/Newborns.asp?”;
$variables = “pw_groupid=438&pw_accesscode=A0DF0CFA-14C2-486F-BCA5-59C22ED09B68&pw_url=&tCategoryId=” . $_GET[“tCategoryId”] . $_POST[“tCategoryId”] . “&tArticleId=” . $_GET[“tArticleId”] . $_POST[“tArticleId”] . “&tArticleStyle=” . $_GET[“tArticleStyle”] . $_POST[“tArticleStyle”] . “&pw_articlepage=/resources/remedy-connect/Newborns/”;
$query = $PostPage . $variables;
$url = parse_url($query);
$host = $url[“host”];
$path = $url[“path”] . “?” . $url[“query”];
$timeout = 1;
$fp = fsockopen ($host, 80, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);
if ($fp) {
fputs ($fp, “GET $path HTTP/1.0\nHost: ” . $host . “\n\n”);
while (!feof($fp)) {
$buf .= fgets($fp, 128);
$lines = split(“\n”, $buf);
$varResult = $lines[count($lines)-1];
} else {
# enter error handing code here
echo $varResult;

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